The Obscure
Little World of Bert
Welcome to my world, oh won't you come on in?
~Tammy Winnet or Harry Hill...depends on your taste really~

UPDATES-09/08/03-Hey all. This time I've added a new section with my pictures from last
months gay pride parade in London. Hope you like them :-).
Greetings! Welcome to my little world. A place where I, Bert, will be ranting about various things that interest me, and
a fair few that don't.
So it's fair to warn you now that some of the things in this site may offend, confuse or dare we say it, make sense.
And if it does offend, it's not intentional, and you've been warned.
Below are various sections of interest, so have a nose around, 'cause you're bound to find something you either
reeeeeeaaaaalllly like or reeeeeeeeeaaaaalllly hate.
Gay Pride
About me (yawn)
Mail me!!!! ([email protected])
If any of the pictures on this site cause a problem i.e. they're yours, tell me and I'll take them away.