Please report any dead links cause they're a pain in the arse.
People I love...

This site belongs to Iniquity (A wonderful person:-)). It's just got started and it gets better every day. Check SURREALITY whilst you're there.
Web Comics

A very funny comic about a female devil and a male angel.

Your Wings Are Mine
A very pretty comic with an amazing story line. ((WARNING!! THIS IS YAOI AND INVOLVES SAME SEX RELATIONSHIPS))
This comic is so darn pretty (so pretty you'd think they'd charge). Anyway, it's about magic and stuff, so go read it... NOW!!!
Online RPG groups
(((NOTE: It's probably a good idea to check the past rules and past messages, when you join a group. I know the moderaters and they won't tolerate any abusive time wasters. You've been warned.)))

I own this one :-). Set after the movie, the people of Halloween town start venturing to other worlds.

Ever wanted to be a train attending a U.S. high school? Then this is the place for you.

Join the SG1 team and venture through the STARGATE

So Harry, Ron and Hermione are off on another adventure. Ever wondered what the other students are doing?

This one isn't an RPG, but a discussion group for Harry Potter fans.
Film & TV

A very good SG1 site with faqs, profiles and brilliant downloads (Great for SG1 rookies like me!)
Random Links
Weird and cool stuff I've found on the net.
A fun little site with sounds, downloads and quizzes. Make sure you try the insult generator;-)
Rather Good
Right, this is a bit of an odd one. Lots of Flash animations (quite a lot involving crabs). It's very cool though (if not disturbing). Will require a flash player of sorts, which I'm sure the site will link to (AVOID THE "HEY MICKEY" ANIMATION.... shudder).